Thursday, May 5, 2011

Exciting times!

Here we are preparing to finally launch this thing after months of talking about it! The official Sanctuary Southern California website...there is a lot that is still under construction as you'll see.

BTW, if you feel like you could have done a better job, please volunteer to do a better job. This is simply what was done to get us up and on the web. We expect that there are better web-designers out there and as a part of what we do here, we want to encourage you to make good use of your skills, talents and giftings.

The move to Angel City and the prolonged period of "bouncing" made it difficult to anticipate what we'd be able to bring along with us, but now that we're here there is ample opportunity to do all the things we love to do, like reaching out the community, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked (or at least partially naked...completely naked people don't get far in this town), finding shelter for the homeless, and rawkin out the worship Sanctuary style so anyone and everyone can feel free to sing at full volume without the worry that someone will object. ;)

Our hope and our prayer is that if you've had a rough time with the church but still desire to know Jesus that we can help you with that.

And even if it simply a matter of being a little "edgier" than most churches are comfortable with I assure we're a pretty diverse group and won't get freaked out over your scene/emo/rasta/goth/screemo/visual kai fashion sense.

The core group of Sanctuary (SoCal and elsewhere) is comprised mostly of artists and musician and we understand those who live on the Bohemian fringe in a way that most churches can not.

We understand that you may have been out performing Saturday night right into the wee hours of Sunday morning, so our regular service is at 2:30 in the afternoon to give you enough time to take a shower and grab a latte before showing up (or show up early and get a latte from our coffee bar).

We understand that a church might seem a little too bright and cheery (sterile) so we meet in a club rather than a chapel. A second home for many of us. (...would you like to join us in transforming Angel City into a full fledged cyber-club?)

And you'll find that our pastor and most of the members speak your language and communicate fluently in "musicianese" rather than "Christianese", as well as "geek speek" and assorted other counter culture vernacular.

Our whole gig is about introducing people to who Jesus really is rather than what the institutions may have painted him as. And we encourage those who feel inspired to express their love for Jesus in their own unique way and in a language that speaks to others native to their culture.

This is a safe place for artist and musicians to share and express their journey in Christ at whatever place they come in at.

This is Sanctuary.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The practical stuff...

Sanctuary SoCal is held at Angel City Cafe, a coffee house/club rated one of the best places in the greater Los Angeles area to see live music, located at 16507 Bellflower Blvd in Bellflower, just off northwest of where the 91 and 605 freeways cross.

We host two regular live events, our Sunday afternoon worship service begins at 2:30pm, the perfect time for anyone involve in the live music/art scene; and FNS (Friday Night Sanctuary) a night of live music beginning each Friday at 7:00pm featuring some of the best musicianaries in Southern California and beyond.

Come visit us live and experience the difference.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Welcome to Sanctuary So Cal

Welcome to Sanctuary Southern California! Here's a bit of history along with some general info to help you understand what we're all about. Let's begin with a common misconception about our ministry.

Sanctuary has been around since the mid-1980's and if you have already heard of our ministry you may be under the impression that we are that "Heavy Metal Church", but in fact Sanctuary is neither exclusively for head bangers nor are we even a "church", but rather a "mission" whose driving principles are outreach and education through art and music and fellowship.

Reaching those within our society who are living counter-culture is something that Y'shua (Jesus) made priority from the very beginning. And those first people who chose to follow Him where very often themselves the "cast off ones" who didn't fit with the establishment.

That God hadn't forgotten them was good news indeed.

1985 Sanctuary is the supporting ministry behind many of the metal bands performing on the Sunset Strip and SoCal club scene proclaiming their new found faith to those native to their own culture.

Sanctuary provides a safe place for those who still have questions and/or might not feel comfortable at church to come and enjoy worship, learn about what the Bible teaches, and get involved in the musicianary culture.

By the 1990's Sanctuary International is reaching people all around the world through the recording and touring of an explosion of Christian bands in genre ranging from speed/thrash metal to punk, funk and reggae.

Today Sanctuary stretches across the country and there are even missions in places like Norway and Switzerland. And holds regular discipleship programs, pod-casts and web-casts various studies, music programming, live events, and worship services.